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Developing Inclusive Teams Workshop 1 at Virginia Fire Rescue Conference

  • February 20 - 21, 2023
  • Virginia Fire & Rescue Conference, Virginia Beach, VA

This workshop equips members of the fire service with knowledge and skills to support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workforce. The course is interactive, placing the participant in thought-provoking situations through role play, group and individual exercises, and class discussion. It includes several scenarios that are constructed to mimic real world situations, allowing participants to simulate how they would handle issues effectively as they emerge in the real world. Attendees from volunteer and combination departments upon successful completion of the workshop will be eligible for reimbursement from the IAFC for the conference registration fee and two nights lodging.  (30 Student Max Enrollment)

Contact Patrick Kidd for more information or with questions at PKidd@iafc.org.

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