
The IAFC has the operational and leadership resources you need to succeed as a chief.

Online Community & Networking

IAFC KnowledgeNet - your IAFC member-to-member online community with discussion forums, topic-based resource libraries and job postings.

In-person Education & Networking

Fire-Rescue International (FRI)
FRI is the IAFC’s Annual conference and the perfect place to stay connect as a busy fire chief. At FRI,  chiefs gain new skills to sharpen their approach to leadership while connecting with chiefs from around the globe. Learn more.

Chief’s Edge
Chief’s Edge is an executive education program designed to take a fresh look at leadership principles. Experienced chiefs will gain practical skills to be more effective leaders and foster extensive peer-to-peer relationships. Learn more.

Online Learning

iCHIEFS Podcasts


Articles for Chiefs

IAFC Bugle Brief - articles from various sources about executive leadership skills and development.

iCHIEFS Magazine - your IAFC member magazine packed with valuable articles and information.

iCHIEFS News - digital newsletter

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