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This web article discusses the differences in motivating those from different generations.
This video gives perspective on the different generations in a workplace.
1-pager/ summary/ infographic
This graph correlates the different generations with their influences and methods of communication and work.
New York State shares the success of their Junior firefighter program.
This article offers strategies on how to recruit and engage with millennials.
Report/ publication
A usable, practical tool on how to create a diverse and inclusive culture in your department.
Consider what fire service veterans were saying about you when you started.
It may seem like millennials are still the young newbies at work, but in reality, it's the "iGen," and they are completely different.
Leverage the strengths of the Millennial employee for the good of the organization and to integrate Millennials into the existing workforce.
How focusing on generational stereotypes can hold us back. We should get to know the individuals instead of lumping people into a group.
Professionalism, integrity, compassion, loyalty and honesty are the basis for ethical character.
7 Resources
Leadership Styles
There is no one-size-fits-all for motivating people.
11 Resources
Motivating / Discipline
Paid and volunteer firefighters can be motivated by different means.
19 Resources
Establishing a strong foundation will enable your department to meet challenges more effectively.
20 Resources