Protecting Against Cyberattacks; A Guide for Public Safety Leaders

Cyberthreats ebook cover

New and evolving technology is keeping firefighters safer and better protected. From advances in self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to indispensable software that can be accessed directly from fire trucks, the digital world continues to infiltrate every aspect of firefighting. However, as reliance on technology increases, so does risk.

Cyberattacks can cripple technological systems and jeopardize firefighters' ability to protect lives and property. As a result, fire leaders have a new task: cybersecurity.

The IAFC, in collaboration with American Military University and FireRescue1, created this free guide for public safety leaders about issues related to cybersecurity. The articles in this publication are intended to enlighten leaders about identifying cyber threats, strategies to protect networks, and tips for building stronger working relationships with IT professionals.

Do not wait until it’s too late to learn about cybersecurity; do not learn the lessons the hard and costly way. Just as fire leaders have embraced technology to improve safety and operations, it's time to approach cybersecurity with the same enthusiasm to protect departments.

Download the FlipBook or use the button below to download the PDF.
