VCOS Yellow Ribbon Report Update

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VCOS  is proud to announce the release of a new important resource for first responders, the 2021 Yellow Ribbon Report Update. The original report was released in 2017 and based on feedback for the need for more life-saving information the VCOS compiled this completely new document as a supplement to the original.

In this update you will find added information on the topics such as gaslighting, emotional intelligence, compassion fatigue, learned helplessness, resilience, and more. In addition, there are a new set of eleven best practices, an emotional tactical worksheet, survey results on behavioral wellness, and key resources. This new report is packed full of important information, but it also can be digested in small pieces so as not to be overwhelming. Readers are guided to focus section by section on the topics they want to learn about most.

All fire departments and other responder agencies are encouraged to share this with your departmental leadership including your peer support team, chaplain, and employee assistance program. All ranks of the fire and emergency service are asked to read this. Please take the time to read this carefully as it can provide the knowledge and tools to save the lives of brother and sister responders, and even family members and friends. After all, responders spend so much time helping others they often forget to focus on one another.

Download the New Report (PDF) 


Related Links:

Emotional Tactical Worksheet (pdf)

2017 Yellow Ribbon Report (pdf)