VCOS Yellow Ribbon Report - Under the Helmet: Performing an Internal Size-Up


A Proactive Approach to Ensuring Mental Wellness

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It's critical we shine a light on the fire and emergency services' emotional and behavioral health problem and emphasize the importance of changing the culture.

This 42-page report includes background information, statistics, resources and action items for departments to use toward the mental wellness of their members.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Reason and Understanding
Problem Statement
Battling the Stigma
Suck It Up, Buttercup

Chapter 3: Sizing It Up
Stress: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Behavioral Reactions to Stress
Tips for Dealing with Stress

Chapter 4: Recommended Actions
Act Locally
Culture of Accountability
Education and Training
Support Model and Infrastructure
Act Nationally
Organizational Internal Size-Up Questions
The Checklist
Psychological First Aid

Chapter 5: Summary and Call to Action

What Happens When You Can’t Protect the Ones You Love?
I Made the Call to Make Things Better



The Yellow Ribbon Report - Under the Helmet: Performing an Internal Size-Up was developed with the leadership from the IAFC Volunteer & Combination Officers Section in collaboration with the IAFC Safety, Health & Survival Section and other fire service organizations, researchers, and other members of the fire service.