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Chief Greg Rogers provides insight to NFPA Journal on the Single Exit Stair topic

Chief Greg Rogers, an established fire safety code expert and the current chair of the IAFC's Fire & Life Safety Section (FLSS), recently contributed to a timely article from the National Fire Protection Association.

In this article, titled “Single Stair, Many Questions,” Chief Rogers shared his personal experience with recent legislative changes related to residential stairwell safety codes. He shared his and his colleagues’ perspectives on the issue and offered professional insight on the potential impact of these changes on both civilian and firefighter safety.

The issue of stairwell safety in high-rise buildings has never been more urgent than it is now. On one side of the issue, we see private entities – for and non-profit alike – pushing regulatory bodies to allow single-exit stairwells in ever-taller residential buildings.

On the other side are firefighters, safety experts, and the organizations that serve them. These stakeholders urge lawmakers to take a cautious approach when considering the issue, and they almost unilaterally oppose the allowance of single-exit stairwells (as opposed to multiple) in buildings over 4 or 5 stories.

Read the NFPA's article. The IAFC is truly grateful for the expertise and passion of members like Chief Rogers, and we hope you will add your own voices to this ongoing debate.

Read the NFPA's article

IAFC official position statement on stairwell safety

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