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View Webinar: IAFC COVID-19 Update 6/1/20

1 hour

Webinar slides 6/1/20 (pdf)

The COVID-19 Task Force webinar #11 continues to provide updates to the fire and EMS service. This week the speakers will update you in the key areas related to this pandemic. 

  • Chief Gary Ludwig, IAFC President 
  • Chief John Sinclair, IAFC COVID-19 Task Force Chair 
  • Dr. Jim Augustine, IAFC COVID-19 EMS Section Representative 
  • Mr. Ken LaSala, IAFC Director of Government Relations and Policy
Special Guest
  • Captain Frank Leto, Deputy Director, Counseling Service Unit, Fire Department of New York

Captain Frank Leto will discuss topics related to the mental health aspects affecting responders during the COVID19 pandemic and provide some recommendations on things to watch for in your personnel and steps to help support them.

Register today and feel free to invite fellow chiefs and company officers.

Live webinar conducted June 1, 2020

Additional COVID-19 resources and information:


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