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Phase Two of the IAFC Community Safety Grant Launched

Essential Functions of the LEPC

The Community Safety - Emergency Planning Response and Outreach (CS - EPRO) is a public education program with two core focus points:

  • Help better educate first responders, local emergency planners, and LEPC’s (the local emergency planning committee) on community hazards and furnish them with the knowledge and tools to interact with members of their community.
  • To stress and teach personal responsibility to those people who live within a community and incorporate them into the solution by educating them in the all-hazards approach to preparation, prevention, and action to take
    based on local authorities.

During the summer we have met with LEPCs, industry representatives, and local and national responders to gather vital and relevant data. As the Fall of 2019 approaches, we begin our second phase of the program: putting out information that will make you better equipped to serve your community as a first responder. 

Watch this short video that explains the essential functions of the LEPC. For example, the LEPC has as one of its functions to serve as the link between citizens, industry, responders, and government. Before an emergency occurs the LEPC should regularly taking necessary precautions to ensure the safety and health of our residents. 

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