Coaching Program

As a company officer, you are tasked with a number of responsibilities. In no order of importance, you are responsible for the safety and welfare of your firefighters; decision making in the fire station and in the hazard zone; assisting your firefighters with their professional development; and carrying out the mission/vision/values of your organization.

Have you ever been overwhelmed and unsure of what to do? Have you been presented with a problem or situation that is new to you? Or are you a company officer who simply wants to enhance your skill set as a company officer? If so, consider participating in the IAFC Company Officer Section Coaching Program. We will pair you with a "seasoned coach" who can help you in new areas, and enhance your skill set in areas that you are commonly exposed to.

The mentoring program is part of the IAFC's continuing efforts to expand professional development opportunities for company officers. IAFC membership is required to participate.

For more information and to get paired with a mentor, contact our staff liaison, Daniel Gray.

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