IAFC 150 anniversary logo

The Fire and Life Safety Section IAFC training has been rescheduled!

Join us on November 15th, 2023, and equip yourself with essential skills to ensure safety in any situation Tall Mass Timber Buildings & Fire Service Concerns.

This session introduces firefighters and fire inspectors to tall mass timber (TMT) buildings (that can be constructed up to 18 stories in some cases), the history of cross-laminated timber (CLT), how it is made, and its properties. The Course outlines the new code requirements in the International Building Code (IBC) and discusses the extensive fire testing that was conducted. The program addresses specific fire service concerns. Codes that Safeguard Construction This session introduces inspectors to the codes that safeguard buildings undergoing construction, major renovation, and demolition. The course discusses best practices regarding hot work, housekeeping, storage, and site security. Students will learn the requirements and responsibilities of the construction site fire prevention program manager and the components of a well-crafted construction site pre-fire plan. They will preview the construction fire safety code changes coming in the 2021 edition of the International Fire Code. Batteries and the Fire Service This session will not only tackle the changes happening to our operational staff the program will dive into the operational response and code requirements for batteries in buildings and energy storage systems. The program will provide details on resources available from the International Association of Fire Chiefs Lithium Ion Battery Committee. This session intends to bring all aspects of our fire service together for a unified response, from codes to battery operations.

Naples, Florida
Wednesday, November 15, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM ET.
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